Get ready for the attack of the clones vapers! You might be a vaping veteran or just starting out mixing DIY ejuice—doesn’t matter. This reddit thread about DIY clones is for everyone; it has been around for five years and is still active with nearly 400 upticks and lots of comments–it’s an excellent resource to mix 100% authentic replicas of your favorite eliquids.

If you want to get more into the general world of mixing DIY ejuice, then we strongly suggest r/DIY_eJuice where there are over 60,000 DIY eliquid enthusiasts. One of the best things about this piece of internet wonderland is the fact that there are people online at all times of the day so you can give and get info in real-time.
We understand this post has been like a crowning for reddit, and it is, because it is a user-driven platform that provides first-hand, mostly unbiased info directly from site members. In that sense, it is like the big electronic cigarette forums, like E-Cigarette Forum, PoTV, etc.—more great sources of DIY eliquid recipes, DIY vaping info, and everything else about how to make DIY ejuice. Clicking on any one of those reddit links will open wonderful worlds of DIY ejuice for you.
Hope that’s a little plus in your life, thanks for reading and happy vaping!